Size: 1x55 lbs. / 25 kg bag-in-box
Ingredients: Red grapes
Soluble solids expressed as Brix: 63 - 67
Reconstitution: s/s at 17 Brix: 1 lb. concentrate = 3.8 lbs. juice
PH: 2.8 - 4.1
Total Acids (g/kg) acids as tartaric acid: 60 - 95
Total Acids (g/kg) as citric acid: 53 - 84
Soluble Solids (20C) at S/S: 13.5 - 15.5
TPC: <100/g
Yeast: <10/g
Mold: <10/g
E. coli and other coliforms: Negative
Color, Taste, Odor: Characteristic for red grape
Appearance: Viscous uniform liquid, clear
Allergen: The product contains sulfate dioxide and sulfates < 45 mg/kg in the juice concentrate and < 10 mg/l at single strength
Botanical name: Vitis vinifera
Pricing / lb. BIB: $3.21
- Aseptic packaging. Cold chain shipping is not needed.
- No additives
- No added sugar
- Vegan
- Gluten-free
- Non-GMO
- Kosher